Make it Efficient
The final step is to make sure you are not wasting money on energy by making your home efficient by selecting the right appliances, heating and cooling, and generating your own energy with solar.
An energy efficient rebuild, The Honeyworks House QLD Australia
Fun facts
Did you know that using a ceiling fan in conjunction with your air conditioner could reduce the amount of energy you need for cooling by up to 30%!
Home Energy Rating (NatHERS)
In Australia all new houses and major renovations must meet a minimum energy rating of 6 stars which relates to the amount of energy used for heating and cooling a home to make it comfortable.
The performance scale ranges from zero to 10 stars, with zero being akin to living in a tent, and 10 meaning that no additional heating or cooling is required to keep you comfortable. The higher the rating, the more cost effective your home will be to run.
The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (or NatHERS for short) uses software developed by the CSIRO to assess the performance of a building at the design stage. A range of factors will influence how a building will perform, such as climate zone, orientation, choice of building materials and insulation. Good design can improve the expected performance of a building at little or no cost.
Currently NatHERS only assesses the heating and cooling energy requirements of a house. And whilst this is typically the biggest energy demand in homes, hot water heating, appliances and lighting are also important considerations, as is the inclusion of solar power which can dramatically reduce your power bills. Battery storage is also becoming popular.
Efficient Heating and Cooling
Heating and cooling accounts for around 40% of the average household energy use, and whilst a well-designed home will require less heating and cooling to keep comfortable, there’s further savings to be made by choosing efficient options.
Ceiling fans are a great way to provide cooling for very little energy use and are good option for living areas and bedrooms.
Reverse cycle air conditioning is considered the most energy efficient heating and cooling method. Split systems are preferred as these only heat or cool specific areas so are easy to zone. It’s important to get professional advice when selecting an air conditioner to make sure it is appropriately sized for the space and choose a model with a minimum 5 star energy efficiency rating.
Gas heating should be avoided as the running costs are expensive and the gases produced are bad for your health.

Fun Fact
Did you know that one hour of sunlight striking the earth is enough energy to power the entire world for a year.
Efficient Appliances
Choosing energy efficient appliances is an easy way to reduce household energy use and running costs, and the process couldn’t be simpler.
In Australia, major plug appliances such as fridges, freezers, dishwashers and washing machines are covered under the Energy Rating labelling scheme which provides clear guidance on the energy performance so that you can compare between different makes and models. The scale for most appliance ranges from 0-6, although this is extended to 10 stars for super-efficient appliances. The amount of energy used in kilowatt hours for typical operation is also provided.
When it comes to cooking, you can’t go past induction cooktop for efficiency and practicality. Because induction stoves work by generating heat at the surface of the cookware, there’s very little waste heat and the cooking surface is highly responsive to changes in the cooking temperature. Better still, there’s no gas being burned, meaning no toxic gases which is a bonus for your health.
Solar Power and Batteries
Roof top solar energy systems are the most cost-effective way for a typical household to source their energy needs, with the payback period for installation ranging from 3-5 years. After this, energy is free when it’s being generated.
Feed in tariffs, where energy utilities pay you for any surplus energy that is supplied back to the grid, makes the proposition even more compelling. The biggest savings are achieved when time of energy use can be matched with time of energy generation, and this can easily be achieved by programming appliances like hot water systems and pool pumps to run during the day. Most dishwashes and washing machines can be programmed to come on during the day to make the most of the free energy, even when you’re out of the house.
Batteries for storing solar energy are also becoming popular with a number of models available and approved for installation. Batteries allow you to store surplus solar energy for use later on, and some models will provide backup power in the event of a blackout.
To learn more you can download the following facts sheets provided by the Energy Consumers Australia. Click the image to download.
Electric Vehicles
We are on the verge of an electric vehicle revolution, and the benefits are huge.
Although Australia has been slow to move on EVs so far, it is expected that within 5 years all major car manufacturers will be prioritising EVs over conventional internal combustion engine vehicles in response to global market trends.
EVs are cheaper to run and don’t produce on road emissions. They can also be charged at home making them super convenient. Even if you’re not quite ready to jump into an EV at this point, it’s worth preparing for the time when you will be. To do this, when planning a new home or renovations, make allowance for a dedicated 15amp circuit to be installed in your garage so that you’re ready to install a charger when the time comes to do so.

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